I Want to Talk (2024)
'Sometimes life gives us a second chance,' and for Arjun settled in the USA in pursuit of The American Dream, it's an opportunity to rediscover and embrace precious relationships, especially with his daughter as they both try to navigate through whatever life throws at them. Whatever!
Actor: Abhishek Bachchan , Ahilya Bamroo , Pearle Dey , Jayant Kripalani , Kristin Goddard , Johnny Lever , Ritesh Shah , Arpita Chakrabarty , Milan Awon , Anasua Kushari , Indeepa Singh , Daminee Basu , Tushar Sheetal Jain , Caprice Ott , Eliza Kim , Nathalie Zepek , Bruce Gale , Tom McLaren , Julia Megan Sullivan , Mike Sears , Nirvan Patnaik , Joe Russell
Director: Shoojit Sircar
Writer: Ritesh Shah
Country: India
Release: 2024-11-22
Duration: 123 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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