Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent (2021)
Nelly and her dog London are about to spend autumn break with her uncle Hannibal. Soon she noticed that he doesn't live a quiet life. Her uncle is a Monster agent. Nelly gets dragged in to an adventure filled with ghosts, vampires and werewolves.
Genre: Family
Actor: Matilda Gross , Johan Rheborg , Marianne Mrck , Bjrn Gustafsson , Lily Wahlsteen , Emma Broom , Amy Deasismont , David Wiberg , Elisabeth Wernesj , Stephen Rappaport , Peter Lorentzon , Leif Edlund , Jens Ohlin , Ove Wolf , Fredrik Dahl , Margareta Olsson , Hannah AlemDavidson , Ebba Fichtelius , Rebecca Kaneld
Director: Amanda Adolfsson
Writer: Sofie Forsman , Martin Widmark
Country: Sweden
Release: 2020-10-23
Duration: 93 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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